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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tour Of Johor Movie Premiere & Collision Hill Chaser

Our FG brothers from the south, Wightset and BRNWRCK are housing a movie premiere from their previous Tour Of Johor which consist of 10 riders on this coming weekend, 2nd June 2012. I'm not sure the time length of the full video but I put all my trust on Duraath for the editing. Oh, the best part is YellowBikeCompany's rider, Apis Jyeah is in the video. If that's not enough, these good people are bringing to you a race up hill called the Collision Hill Chaser. From what I heard, there'll be some great prizes to be won. Still not enough? DJ Set by Resistiv3 and BGK sounds good? And, not forgetting the mini gig from SSK, Jin Hackman, Kids On The Move and also Memorial. So what are you waiting for? Gather up this 2nd of June for one of the best event this year brought to you from the greatest folks! Hands down!